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Ever See A Ghost?

You may say silly nonsense, but there are cosmologists who hypothesize that there is not just one universe we know, but there are multiple universes, that reality is comprised of a multi-verse.  And more: as there is a you and a me in this universe, there is also a version of each of us in all of those other universes doing something pretty much but not exactly like what you and I are doing. They come up with this by looking at the nature of the vast expanses of space with not just the eye of the telescope, but the 'vision' of mathematics.  Is multiverse a reality? Well, it may be what former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld called a known unknown. It's an unknown because while very smart scientists can theorize that such simple universes exists, they currently have no way of observing or measuring them. 

I got to thinking about this the other day when my granddaughter asked her mom if her uncle was coming.  They would be very unlikely given that the little girl's uncle lives on the other side of the planet and he just returned there from a visit here.  What happened just as soon as the granddaughter asked the question was that the phone rang and it was her uncle who as calling.  Was this simple coincidence to which we normally assign the idea of random possibility, or was some other thing going on?

The uncle's wife was raised in a system of belief that is fair to say is quite unlike the way most of us are raised.  Her mother, for instance, believes in a powerful vitality contained in rock crystals and in something called pranic healing where the body's energy can be focused to cure ailments. That uncle's wife also believes that young children are connected to a reality we adults can no longer see, that when they're staring off into space, they're actually seeing things and beings we adults have lost the ability to perceive.

I've scoffed at such ideas in the past, but recently I've been having vivid dreams of my deceased wife.  I know that most people would say it's the emotional residue of the loss of a loved one causing these visitations.  But the most recent one while having occurred more that a year after my wife's death was as realistic as her physical presence when she lived.  We enjoyed serious conversations about the nature of her afterlife existence, caught up on family news, talked about an unresolved ambition of hers. 

A dream sequence and granddaughter's anticipating a phone call from her uncle far away can seem to have simple explanations that serve to dismiss trying to create meaning where there is none.  But let's say that the universes that there are do intersect in their overlapping moments avail to us in this one contact with the persons who are traveling in the next universe over.  Ever see a ghost? Ever hear voices when there is nobody else around? Ever see a spirit materialize? Every get a sense of something extraordinary presence is nearby? It's easy to poo-poo these things, but if you have ever had any, some or all of these experiences, and not turned your back on the possibility of what was happening, then I think you may be open to the nature of reality that is beyond the rational, the measurable, what some might call sane.