Free Food Resources
848 Lake Street, Oak Park
• Wednesdays 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
• Saturdays 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
SERVICE AREA: 60130, 60131, 60141, 60171, 60176, 60301, 60302, 60304, 60305, 60402, 60644, 60651, 60707
Beyond Hunger has a drive-thru and walk up option for each food distribution. The Drive Thru is located in the rear parking lot of First United Church of Oak Park. Volunteers will meet and direct you through the drive-thru and will load food boxes directly into your car for you. Bring a photo ID. Let us know when you arrive if you need diapers, feminine products or adult disposable undergarments.
Can't make it here on your own? Someone else can pick up your food for you. Complete this proxy form & follow these directions.
Ebenezer Christian Reform
1300 Harvey Ave, Berwyn
- Fridays 5 pm - 7 pm
SERVICE AREA: Zip Codes: 60402, 60804, 60304 and 60644
When you arrive, go to big door marked MAIN Entrance. There is usually a line. Families arriving should bring a photo ID and a piece of recent mail each time you arrive. Families are invited to attend two times each month. Please maintain a 6ft distance as you wait. Groceries are prepacked for you. If you have questions call 708-795-6480.
Hope Food Pantry
5900 W. Iowa St, Chicago
- Fridays 12pm-2pm
- Saturdays 10am-12pm
Still need food?
There are enough food pantries in our community to ensure you can pick up groceries as much as you need to.
Open Shelf offers a search function for addresses that are near or in Chicago's Austin community. The search function also gives a very detailed description of each location.
The Greater Chicago Food Depository (GCFD) website is also a good place to search for food pantries in our communities. We do recommend calling ahead the first time you visit additional pantries as some things may have changed.
Do YOU qualify?
SNAP (Link Card / Food Stamps) is a Federal income based benefit that helps pay for food each month. You may be surpised, check here to see if your income qualifies.
How to apply:
Apply online here or contact our Social Services team by email or 708-386-1324 x1106
WIC is a federal nutrition program providing food, nutrition counseling and access to health services for infants, children up to age 5 and pregnant/breastfeeding/postpartum women. You can learn more information about this program here.
Our local WIC office is CEDA - Oak Park, 6026 W Roosevelt Rd. Visit the CEDA website for details. Phone: (708) 445-3314 Email: oakpark_wic@cedaorg.net
- Forty Acres Fresh Market - Daily delivery service in Austin community.
- They accept SNAP EBT (IL LINK) on all delivery orders and are very happy to announce that Forty Acres Fresh Market has partnered with Link Up Illinois, a program of Experimental Station, to get LINK card holders even more of our fresh high quality produce. Now all purchases made with Link EBT will be matched up to $10 per day with Link Match coupons that can be used to purchase more produce at our markets and delivery services.