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Hunger: A Suburban Problem

When we think of hunger and poverty, we usually think it’s an urban problem.  And historically it was.  But in recent years, this “urban problem” has increasingly become a suburban one.  Between 2000 and 2010, the percentage of Cook County’s poor living in the suburbs increased from 34% to 49%.  Over the same period, Cook County’s overall poverty increased from 13.5% to 16.2%.  No wonder we haven’t seen a drop in visits to our Food Pantry.

While national food insecurity has been decreasing, the demand for local hunger relief services remains at levels that peaked during the economic recession.  At Oak Park River Forest Food Pantry, we’re addressing this increasingly suburban need on multiple fronts. Yes, we continue to provide emergency supplies of food through our Pantry.  But, we’re also emphasizing the programs and services that have helped reduce food insecurity nation-wide – helping connect people to income supports, providing free meal sites for kids and teens during the summer, and giving our clients the knowledge and skills to prepare healthy meals on a budget. 

People will continue to need help putting food on the table – and that’s where our strong community shines.  I love the sense of committed activism that surrounds us.  The crowds that turn out for the Bonnie Brae LemonAid stand. The civic engagement that consistently leads the county in voter turnout.  Now is the time to use this extraordinary resource – our community – to feed our neighbors who are increasingly in need.

During April, Oak Park River Forest Food Pantry is challenging the community to get involved in the fight against local hunger.  As part of the CAN DO Community Challenge, we’re challenging ourselves and our community to learn more about hunger and what we can all do to end it.  Sign up for our Action Alerts to be included in policy advocacy work.  Or make a donation to help support the programming in place for immediate needs.  Together we can keep suburban hunger at bay.

Michele Zurakowski

Executive Director, Oak Park River Forest Food Pantry