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Registration: Volunteer Shift Spotlight

As clients trickle in for distribution, registration volunteers sit at the back of centennial hall in front of iPads, waiting to check clients in.  Paula makes the pre-distribution announcements, and then the checking in of clients begins.   One by one with their tickets in hand, clients are directed to registration volunteers.  Registration volunteers check to see if clients have come within the past month, verify their address, and record their visit electronically. 

Registration volunteers are crucial to the Pantry’s operation, not only allowing clients to go through the Pantry in a timely manner, but also vital to the Pantry’s operational and grant reporting. 

Shift Information:

  • Client facing
  • Seated (low physical activity)
  • Computer literacy required
  • Must be at least high school aged
  • 8 volunteers per shift
  • During distribution (Wednesdays & Saturdays)
  • Additional training is required (short demonstration of the process & shadowing)

Contact Kate for more information about the registration shift.