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“I just always felt like this place treated everyone with dignity. The food from Beyond Hunger was so fresh and amazing. I would take pictures of it when I got it home! When I got the opportunity to...
"We have also seen a 19 percent increase of Oak Park residents, and our Home Delivery program has tripled in the past month."Both Miller and Dylewski were unable to share detailed personal stories...
Many of our neighbors are innovating to help end hunger and keep us safe while being involved in the mask making movement.School Spirit for the Benefit of Beyond HungerWhen Natalia and Lindsey, both...
Thanks to our generous community, we have surpassed our $100,000 goal for April's CAN DO Community Challenge and received a $25,000 match from the Challenge Corp! We saw inspiring involvement across...
We have been humbled by the community response throughout the Covid-19 Crisis. Your support is making a difference in the lives of our hungry neighbors. And the impact our children and teens have made...
Looking to start or spruce up your backyard veggie garden? Beyond Hunger gladly accepts fresh-from-the-garden produce from local gardeners and community gardens. This year consider contributing to our...
Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is not inherently bad. Our bodies need cholesterol to build cells, produce hormones, and make substances that help digest food; however, too much...
Tips in the KitchenIncluding some fat in your meals is quite important to our health because it helps our body with digestion, metabolism, and the absorption of some nutrients. Fat also plays an...
The fats we eat are very important for our overall health, but not all fats were created equal. In this post we discuss the different kinds of fats found in our food and give dietary recommendations...
Fat may have received a bad reputation in the diet world because many people think eating fatty foods makes you gain weight. However, avoiding oil and fat altogether does more harm than good. We need...
Beyond Hunger has operated a home-delivery program for four years in concert with Oak Park Township's senior services program. Riano said Beyond Hunger has been looking to expand its home-delivery...
Over the past few weeks our partners and our community have stepped up in some unique and amazing ways—helping us to remain successful while serving our hungry neighbors quickly and efficiently...